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Srreshant Got what he deserved
by BABA KUMAR on Apr 30, 2008 12:38 PM

Sreeshanth was due for a slap or more then hatfrom any of the international player. It was good that it was Harbhajan who did the needful.....
Sreeshanth has to learn to control his agression which is so irritating that anyone can get bugged with that. Sleding is controleed to only diturb ones concentration and what sreeshanth is doing is typical provoking acts in front of opposite players. It is supposed to be gentlemen gama and till date India has carried very well the image but sree was doing which was totally against that.
Even his behaviour with seniors is questioned at times.....
I dont support harbhajans act but good that sreeshanth is safe and will think atleast a 100 times before dancing of any international player such as Nell and Hayden..

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