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RE:Srreshant Got what he deserved
by sunil ramavarapu on Apr 30, 2008 01:04 PM

Yeah, I think so as well. At times the rule controls you, at times the audience control you, at times the opposition and the last to do that would be your Captain who actually lets you free to make you comfortable and get the best out of you. I think, having seen all these captains, at least one could have said to Sreeshanth/ Bhajji- Enough of the game or get out of it. Kumble's words are brilliant to the extent that you should know how to conduct yourself on and off the cricket field as you are representing the heaven of cricket- India. Dhoni is doing certain things right by letting every one know in the team that if not him there is a bench strength of 150 guys who are waiting for a chance. So, its common sense that they behave themselves atleast to keep up their place in the team.

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