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Indian version of american psycho
by Soy Adrenal on Apr 30, 2008 02:51 PM

Dear Sreesanth and Bhajji, I had the pleasance to watch your interviews given just moments after that incident happened. Both of you have told the press that you are like brothers. But please remember: What you do on field just doesnt stay there: there are millions who are watching what you are doing ! and there is a lot of money involved ! If bhajji would have avoided that slap and played all these matches, you would have POCKETED THOSE 3 crore indian bucks....and later if you had done a charity work with that for the millions of poor indian kids - your reputation would have been unimaginable ....just see the way now: you both are now called the indian version of american psychos .....PLEASE DONT REPEAT THIS ..AND JUSTIFY THEM AS A BROTHERLY ACT ....A BROTHER DOESNT SLAP WHEN MILLIONS ARE WATCHING, INDEED HE WOULD POLITELY TALK AND ADVISE HIM.....(if you read this, please comment on this...)

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