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''HUNTER''medicine for Bhajjii
by Cham Esan on Apr 30, 2008 12:58 PM

I completely agree with Kumble that the neo stars of cricket need professional help so that they can manage themselves well.I am a psychoanalyst and I have developed a simple but effective medicine.It is called "HUNTER".When ever I am contracted to manage team members I will sit in the Team Pit by the side of boundry with my "HUNTER".When ever BHajji types show their bad side I will get in and just give some lashes using my "HUNTER".The dose is proportional to the severity of offence.So may be I will have to crack the "HUNTER" 10 times for Bhajji and 5 times of Sreesanth and may be 3 times for Yuvraj.I may just have to wave the "HUNTER" from boundry for people like Saurav or Ishan Sharma.If after using this medicine for 1 year BHajji shows no improvement thyen I will be forced to give "HUNTERS" to both the umpires and all members of team playing against BHajji.How's that???

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