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RE:both are mental patients
by Kumar Mone on Apr 27, 2008 12:35 AM

I absolutely agree with you sandeep & rinu. Sree is no gentleman when it comes to provocating. Though I think we'd not have seen the crying if it was an outsider in place of bhajji or a player who is not respected by sree . Its the embarassing insult that comes along when someone you support and hold in high esteem behaves like this.
Both should be given a heavy & possibly public reprimand.
I've read some very violent, abusive and regional supportive posts here on Panjus kicking and mallus being decent and so on...
I just hope such fools realise that the two in question have probably made up and enjoying their moments and left you to fret and fume as well as the aussies to laugh along all the way.

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