Hi, Rich Man Have a good day for u I think ru now join in spoken and written english classes. the error are . Supreme not suprim, 2. Should not sould, 3. Because not becaz or short court bcoz., 4. Matches not matchas, 5. Run not ran, 6. Country not contri, 7. Divided notdividad, 8. Statewise not statewice, 9. INDIA in INDIYA, 10. Affected not Afected, 11. Enemy not enemi, 12. Advantage not advantege, 13. Readers not redars. 14. Protest not protast, 15. Where not wheir, 16. Money not maney and lastly 17. Consideration ok If i got 17 spelling mistake from ur Message think abt it people is there who can find out more mistake. So be care ful next time. First think then write what r u going to write and concentration on ur english knowledge.