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Both needs to be Fired for min.6 months
by RAKESH DOGRA on Apr 26, 2008 02:04 PM

Srrsanth slapped by Harbhajan,this was going to happen.The way mediocre bowler like Sresanth was behaving on the ground it was only a matter of time that he got slap or a bog kick on his butt.
Similarly Harbhajan was also becoming unnecessary agressive.I do not know who has taught these two fools to play and conduct themselves lik that on ground.
One must see how great players like Sachin,Dravid,Brett Lee and Viv Richards conducted themselves on the ground.Now board has got the evidence just act now and fire them for atleast 6 months.They must be debarred from playing in any match for 6 months and then for another 6 months let them play in domestic matches.They have spoiled our reputaion before Austalian team.They will rightly claim that board was right.

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