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by Common Man on Apr 03, 2008 08:03 PM

What a performance by our great players...Test is real test of character of a player..and Indian Players today showed us there real character..batteling for long 20 overs..During the last test our MS Dhoni was attending function for IPL and just a day before the previous test some of our cricketers including Captain was shooting for IPL..."WHAT A COMMITMENT"..All indians players are behind money..they want cash...they can do anything for that...this is same team which performed in Aus. but what happened to them now...this is over HYPE of IPL...These players are just counting there money for which they were auctioned...IPL is dominating there mind...that's why they only faced 20 overs today...Great Performance..
Friends what we saw today is end of TEST Cricket.. and IPL is Begining of Cash Cricket...
In Today's match between 'IPL' & 'TEST Cricket'..
'IPL' won by "BOWL OUT"...
And 'TEST Cricket' Lost by an Inning ....SHAME...SHAME...

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