There is no point in getting angry.The fact is many teams have been be allout of such low scores in the past. It happened to India also. The fact one should look at is ,when ever india tried to include a player not for his performance but for the following factors 1.His star power ,Image 2.Once in a while good scores in the past 3.feared abt the reaction from his Fans 4.Hype created around the player The selection unstabilised the team and resulted in loss(Example sacrificing batting order to include yuvraj and he contributed single digit score coming at crucial positions,Continuing with dhoni when he is not good against quality bowlers and in seaming wickets,he cant score huge runs but tries more to survive) The worst treatment ever meted out to a player was to Pravin Amre ,A qualty player who scored a century on a pacy wicket on debut. Ganguly appers to be disinterested and its time for him to retire gracefully. Give a chance to players like Kaif and Dinesh karthik