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RE:The Most OverRated Player's in the Indian Team????????????
by Nirpinder Singh on Apr 03, 2008 08:53 PM

You got no. 1 and 2 wrong. Ganguly has mellowed in recent years. He is ever ready to admit to a mistake. He makes no excuses for under performing. He does not carry a chip on his shoulder for having served as Captain earlier. The team is paying too little attention to him. He should be consulted more often. Irfan is valuable for clutch batting if not for his bowling. Interesting that he is one of the very few bowlers who have done better overseas as compared with his home grounds. Perhaps he should play more overseas since the Indian conditions do not seem to suit him. He was incidentally the only batsman who applied himself in this innings. Could be that he was inspired since he was batting in front of his home crowd. Goes to show the lack of application of all of the rest.

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