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give prizees from your pocket
by avinash agrawal on Sep 27, 2007 03:07 PM

I would like to say our politicians that if you liked the play so much then announce prizes from your pockets. Who have given you the rights to spend peoples money in this way. No doubts that Players had done very good in 20-20. But it is their job and for that they are highly paid by BCCI, and moreover they received prize money from the organizer of WC20-20. They will also get no of advertisement due to this. So this are just their job. I dont think that governments should spend on this players because they have lots of area were this money can be utilised in a better way. See at farmers, poor students, power problem in villages there are no of them. You just donnt need to involve in such popular games to get attention of people. stopppp annoncing prizes from peoples money.

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'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'