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by on Sep 27, 2007 03:29 PM

The Great Icon of 83 kapil Dev was humiliated soon after the world cup victory as the western union of India Cricket. In fact he was stripped off the captaincy on the behest of Gavaskar. Now another Icon from Northern India ( Dhoni of Uttarakhand) becomes waiting for the same fate sooner or later.
BCCI have purposely made their homecoming larger than life......Even Sachin and Dravid deliberately kept off of a national celebration for the reasons best known to them.
The Aussies have arrived with a point to prove.
Sachin, Saurav and Dravid cannot swallow the accolades showered on Dhoni a cricketer with just 3 years in team India. What Sachin could not achieve in 16 years inspite of being so blessed with technical flawlessness, Dhoni has achieved in 3 years.
People say that one man can not turn fortune of a team and its a team effort, just to give Sachina benefit of doubt.
Friends People like Jaisurya, hayden, Gilchrist and Steven Waugh did every thing single handed.

The opposite party is eagerly waiting for the outcome of the Ind-Aus ODI series, and no doubt whom they are wishing better luck.

Dhoni you are special, we want to see you as a captain for a longer time and I advice you to strike a balance between highs and lows.
Success has many fathers; failure is B*s*a*d

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'Dhoni was aiming for a one run victory'