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RE:Absolutely Unnecessary and ostentatious
by Ajay Kanjani on Sep 26, 2007 02:58 PM

I totally agree with you. I agree winning the world cup is a big thing but giving away so much prize money to these guys is stupid. When India won the Asia Cup nobody even cared from their states. Sreesanth took a important catch and he is getting endorsement deals. I am hearing things like remove players like sourav, sachin and dravid to groom the youngsters and when these same youngsters won't perform upto the public expectations their homes will be stoned. No doubt we need youngsters but we need to groom them step by step. Agarkar didn't play the mathces but he gets 10 lakh rupees from the state. What about the hockey team. Anyways all said and done, Well Done India and Hats of to Yuvraj Singh who was just amazing...

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