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Stop Modi bashing PLEASE!
by Shrujal Vakharia on Sep 27, 2007 10:20 AM

Shame on the Rediff's Prasanna Zore for inciting communal disharmony and talking crap. Narendra Modi is an amazing CM and the media always makes sure not to report the good work that he does. Bloody tomorrow the media will come forward and say, now that States have given the awards, the Cities should start giving awards. This is a really sad thing about our country. Our team did fabulous and they already got loads of money. All that the politicians need to do is to congratulate them and encourage them to keep doing better and maintain consistency going forward. Let's not compete with what amount each state gives. This is really getting ridiculous. What if some states don't have a player in our team? We were playing as a country so the center should give appreciation. This is really getting out of line and deserves no attention. The media and politicians are using this opportunity for personal interests. Modi has done amazing work and we are all proud of our CM. We don't need the media to manipulate the general populace and report nonsense such as this.

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Narendra Modi ignores Team India stars