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indian cricket
by jeet on Sep 26, 2007 01:54 AM

I think the indian cricket selectors should go and unearth talent in other states than metro's. Cricketr's like yuvraj, dhoni, r.p. singh, joginder singh, sreeshanth and rohit sharma are there in plenty. But the authorities need to concentrate and find out talented cricketrs from small states. I have played cricket and have seen such talented crickets wasted as there were on opening's for them. Ebcourage yong under 19 team menbers to perform in senior level and see the result. Players who are above 30 should not be considered in one day internationaltion's/ We need Laxman, Ssachin, Dravid only in Test where we need skill rather than spirit and enthusiam. We need to groom youngsters who can take place of sachin, ganguly and dravid in near future. Otherwise we will suffer like west indies who were a great grat side but due to retirement of most senior players west indies is place lowly on rankings.

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Dravid heaps praise on Dhoni