ODI matches captained 147 Matches won 76 Win percentage 51 % Wins against quality oppositions Aus 4 Eng 7 NZ6 Pak 7 SA 7 SL 6 WI 8 total 46 Win percentage quality oppositions drops to 31 %
Rahul Dravid
ODI matches captained 75 Matches won 41 Win percentage 54 % Wins against quality oppositions Aus 1 Eng 8Pak 5 SA 4 SL 8 WI 8 Total 34 Win percentage quality oppositions drops to 45 % Difference in wins against quality opposition is whopping 14 percentage !!!
Test record of ind last 2 capains.
Ganguly Matches 49 Won 21 win raito 1.62 Dravid Matches 25 Won 8 win raito 1.33
Ganguly 9 out of 21 against minnows Dravid 1 out of 8 against minnows
Tendulkar none out of 4 against minnows. Because of Dalmiya lot of matches were organised against minnows to boost records
Revised records against quality opposition
Ganguly Matches38 Won 12 win raito 0.31 Dravid Matches 23 Won 7 win raito 0.30
The result is just opposite the popular perceptions..