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by Faceless Spirit on Sep 25, 2007 08:24 PM

Last night after the Indian victory, I was so relaxed.
Till the last ball it was tension and excitement all the way. A pressure cooker type of situation.
After the Indian victory there were crackers bursting all over rain affected and submerged Kolkata. I opened a bottle of Maa Kali brand country liquor. The was some chicken pakora as well.
The combination went down inside so well and my agitaed nerves soothened.
I dreamt some good dreams.
1. India world chamions in all games including football.
2.India bags higest medals in olympic and Asian games.
3.India the leading economy in the world.
4.Indian films like Lagan winning maximum oscars.
5.Saurav Ganguly President of the BCCI.
I went to sleep.
In the morning there was a hangover and a bit of headache.
I went to sleep again and woke up to join here and see lots of messages pouring in.
By the way, although Rahul has praised Dhoni, has anybody heard anythiong in praise of Dhoni from Suman Bhat?
Tell me before I start boozing again and forget everything.

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Dravid heaps praise on Dhoni