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RE:bad decision
by jyothish koodalil on Sep 18, 2007 03:52 PM

Give Dhoni a fair chance, he has been appointed just as a temporary captain , for the Aussie series. Let his performance as captain tell us about the calibre. I think the selectors have made the correct decision by giving a youngster the chance to lead indian team. Dhoni has the right temparement for a captain, he is aggressive on the field, and if he is successfull in managing the team for good, and in utilizing the resources ie players very well , I think he is a good choice.
Let future alone tell us whether this was a good decision. By the way one cannot say all the selectors are dumb, as they know more about the game and the players than we do. As i understand, a strong personality can only lead Indian team.. some one like Azar , or Ganguly..and Dhoni is a strong person, so I think he would be a better captain..than any one else in the team except perhaps Ganguly and Sachin..

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs