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What does the Indian public want?
by The Heat on Sep 18, 2007 05:02 PM

Bloody hell people! So much regional bias.. just because someones comes from Bihar/Jharkand doesn't mea he's a backward person. Dhoni could easily put most people to shame. Anyway, not the point. What exactly do you guys want? Dhoni shouldn't be made captain.. Sachin or Ganguly shouldn't be made captain because BCCi should move forward and look to bulid a team for the future.. Instead of being so critical about every issue regarding Indian cricket why not just consider it to be just another game and let the players play without bing pressurised to score a 100 every game or take 5 wickets every game..

Stop being critical about every decision and start encouraging our players.. even Australia doesn't win every game and you'll see how much you can enjoy the game once you stop being critical :).

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs