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Phsss..... phssssss............phssssssh................. phssssshh..........
by Spitting Cobra on Sep 18, 2007 11:06 PM

Where are all the MS Dhoni supporters?? Come join this blog, i want to spit my venom all over you people!!
Phsss..... phssssss............phssssssh................. phssssshh..........

Phsss..... phssssss............phssssssh................. phssssshh..........

All guys who support MS Dhoni don't understand an iota of cricket at the highest level... Esp. when you are up against Australia!!
You need a rough and tumble guy like Ganguly to handle the Aussie goons, he will take the fight to them, that is the only way you gonna beat them!!
Not by playing and behaving pansy or soft!!
Even Sachin is not tough enough cos he praises Warne too much, Dravid showered praise on Flintoff recently! The moment you ingratiate in front of opponents, you give them an edge!!

Have you people ever heard Dada Sourav Ganguly showering praise on opposition?? NEVER!!!!!!!
Cos he is a truly competitive guy who never gives an inch to the opposition!!
We need such tough as nails people!!

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs