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Indian Captain
by Dipal Choudhury on Sep 18, 2007 04:49 PM

It is indeed good news that selectors "defy" Mumbai lobby to make Dhoni to Captain india in ODIs. But, I fail to understand why only for 3 ODIs. Dhoni seems to have sufficient grey matter, quite calm, avid performer and a great star attraction. It is also needed to nurture and counsell him right now. The onus should be on Rahul, Sachin and Sourav to do that for future of India. Another Captain material may be Dinesh Kartik or Robin Utthapa.
It is also nice to see that Agarkar is out. But one can give rohit sharma a chance. But, again there is no end to speculate.
Good Luck "MAHI". Cheers to people of Ranchi.

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs