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I don't think that anybody is surprised over this
by Yours Nitish Kumar on Sep 18, 2007 09:55 PM

Do any of you think that current regime of BCCI could have done anything good for cricket? It's God's grace that Sehwag is consistently out of form, otherwise they were about to choose him.

They don't need a firm captain like Ganguly or Yuvraj, neither they want to look into possibilities in Uttupa or Kartik. Have you seen lots of possibilities in Dhoni as a captain in the current venture going on? But our bunch of jokers seen one more to get ruined and dancing over their fingers.

They are still going low over the management and will make a joke of Indian cricket soon. I hope that there are still some fools to get cheered over the same. I am not :(

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Dhoni named captain for ODIs