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Re:Balance needed
by John Bosco on Nov 26, 2007 08:57 AM

We are on the brink of a good win.On this pitch with no bounce (look at Shoaib putting in great effort to get some life),the Indian batting performance has not been great.Ganguly found it easier because of the slow pitch and lack of bounce.Ganguly showed good spirit and temperament.He has done a fine job and has contributed to the team's cause.But I don't think this is a resounding win to go gaga over.The 4th day pitch was better than earlier.It is clear that the seniors have to stay for a while.So it is not a question of Ganguly versus Dravid versus Tendu versus Laxman.The real issue is who can fill in when the seniors go eventually.Raina for Dravid,Yuvraj for Ganguly,Rohit Sharma for Tendu and Badrinath for Laxman.The right way to go is to groom them as understudies and not rush in chopping and changing.Jaffer is looking good,Karthik shd come out of his bad patch.So the future looks good.

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