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by Suman Bhat on Nov 17, 2007 10:46 AM

win or defeat depands on the performance of XI players
aussies are playing as one unit with desire to win each match. aussies are now outplaying SL in bowling batting as well fielding. indian players play for self record, sponsers, to save the place for next match, for group which player belongs to.. team india is consists of superstars and their chelas some players wants to open innings it is done nobody will object to it.some players even openers has to bat at any nosotherwise they will never get a chance to perform bcci and selection committee has diff yardstick to drop players and selection of team.some rules never apply to superstars and their chelas.
Kumble will be successful only if he gets support of all other 10 players. that did not hapened to to previous captain. some players never supported dravid's captiacy it was visible on the field

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We have to stop the Aussies: Kumble