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Bob Simpson on GC !!
by C Kishen on Apr 18, 2008 11:49 AM

Bridgetown (Barbados): If runs have dried up from Sachin Tendulkar's blade, it's because he is no longer watching the ball out of the bowler's hand, according to former Australia captain and World Cup winning coach Bob Simpson.

"He (Tendulkar) has fallen into what is probably the most common error in batting - not watching the ball out of the bowler's hand but watching for the ball in areas around it," Simpson has commented in his recent column.

"Tests have shown that you can pick the ball about a metre sooner if you watch it right out of the bowler's hand. This is a huge advantage to a batsman," adds Simpson.

But the respected former Australian opener has huge regard for Tendulkar's ability and his willingness to learn.

"Sachin was a dream to coach. Almost in my first session with him, I noticed he had fallen into the error of moving back to the leg stump instead of middle and leg to cover good length. I discussed with him the disadvantages of such a method and the advantages of what I was suggesting.

"We watched a video of him batting in the nets, which confirmed my thoughts and Sachin immediately began remedying it.

"For some years after this, even when I wasn't coaching India, whenever I ran into Sachin he would always ask if I had noticed anything wrong with his batting.

"If Sachin were to ask me that question today I would say, 'check the video and you will find that even with your defensive shots you are late getting into position'."

Simpson then lays into Chap

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