well coming days teher will eb no syntax errors. qaulity opneneres backed by equally good numebr oen spot plaeyr in the ranks of highest oreder. shoib he si aint teh same i saw some breath taking openly guideddd shots through teh vacnat slip cordon...veven gordon grennnidge cant cut them off u neeed a left handed slip fiedler to react to open side . sher epxpxxlosive cirkcet fo oppponennets weaknessses. i wish pakisthan shoudl do soem soemthing to
use youins and md yusuf say both to full use .
i eman midldle oveevsr tehy cna plunder 130 120 kind fo partteterships twice in fifity overs. so this is to say. whwhen we have such batting depth . that too two good handlers of spin ..who cna handdlde evven saqaalalain the art fo wulaalaity spineenr showed .
theer wa snevevr atense situauation just bbeuauces of sourav andn gaanangulay . the other day i was atlkinga bout gaangulalay crerrasing teh abt ctahching with both hands eyeys on the blala. balalncncne sayay putting ahnds parllel to the groudn eyyes on the balal running annd ctahchcing with both handns udner floood lights..... so evveryithingw ent fo wleel when u ahve twowo gooodd qulaiaity opneneenrs . u shoudl use ur kepeping baatter bat at numebr six or sveveevn. fafariodhhdi cna bat at one spot u wish u cna use one extar option. u dont suue ur keekey plalayesr at key spots u are off . ur comnapy will close in few days. mind u u wihs to put abattsmene who scocores 40 odd rusn of fififty fiev ablls. i