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Emergency in pak
by syed kalim on Nov 04, 2007 12:51 PM

It is unfortunate that pakistan has never emerged as a strong country in 60 years. Political leaders when given a chance were busy in plundering the nation as if it was their ancestoral property. They never gave democracy a chance. There have been problems in India too but it has emerged as a strong democracy despite the differences and diversities. Pakistan has always looked towards the west while the closest to them in culture and heritage was India. They became victims of their own legacy. Landolrds, zamindars and the waderas still control a large part of the country and the dirty politicians like benazir, sharieff have plundered the country on the one hand and have played the hate india campaign to survive. They have never won the confidence of the neighbours and have never been sincere in their attitude. The innocent poeple have suffered and will continue unless they rise up and emerge as a strong people. As Indians, we would like to see a strong but sincere neighbor country because both have so much in common and so much to gain with mutual understanding.

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