everybody knows the performance of so called TIGER---no of balls played and runs scored.then got out with his egoistic irresponsible approach when he was required to lead on pitch. he never was consistent---then u say he should be a captain--my foot---whosoever knows ABC of mafiafree cricket would never want dada yuvraj sachin to lead our country at all--only blind followers wish for their leadership--WAS DRAVID REQD TO TELL THEM TO STAY ON PITCH AND TRY TO WIN--JUST SEE THE WAY THEY GOT THEMSELVES OUT KNOWING WELL THE WAY JAYASURYA SANGAKARA GOT OUT --WE NEED AN HONEST PERSON LIKE DRAVID AND ANYOTHER MAY REPLACE HIM BUT NOT THESE RUFFIANS DISHONEST PLAYERS---LALITKUMAR