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RE:Celebrations of Victory of the Bangabandhus
by redred yellow on Mar 30, 2007 05:04 PM

Hey Biswajit and all others!!

Stop this bengalis, maharastra etc etc.We lost as a team.It was not because of Kapil we got the cup nor it because of Dravid we lost the cup.We won the game as team in 1983 and we lost the game as a team in 2007 since we didn't played well.

This discussion will keep going.Biswajit tell frankly did u ever commented on Sachin saying this guy never came up when India needed him.We need to remember that it was not because of Ganguly but it was because of sachin we reached 2003 finals.He was the highest scrorer. Dravid is a wall.He is never a match winner.When India need some runs it was always dravid that Indian team relied.They know they are going to loose but still teh margin of runs with which they will looose will decrease.If dravid fails for twice and Ganguly scrores twice it doesn't mean Ganguly is great and Dravid is BAS@#$%T.Everyone has their own importance in this game.

Every time we loose people say sack Sachin sack Sachin.If sachin is the only guy who has to play then why we need 11 playes.Let him play for all 10 times.He is a opener boss.Tell me some instances where a opener played all 50 overs and made his team win .If you want to chase 360 runs in a world cup final even a very good player will have tension.Because people will have max. expectation from Sachin.

Lets support our team.Instead of cursing each other.People needs to stop this gujarati,Bengalis south indi north india concept.

We are Indians first.If we start fighting that Gandhi was gujarati so gujarat is great and subhash bose is bengali so bengal is great we end up no were except dividing our country in states and religions.

Jai Hind

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