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Waste fellows
by vasudev rao p on Mar 30, 2007 03:48 PM

Yeah definitely there is no words to describe the indian cricket players and selectors also, after kicked out from world cup, everybody was expecting their retirements, but still they will never ever realise because they need money, if they are not there in the team its very difficult to get money in various ways, thats what probably they will never ever retire themselves unless until somebody kicks or kills...... they know if they dont play well also they will make money in crores at the same time if they are in the team...really seniors should have announced their retirements in caribean place only.... they want their wives and families should be fine, they will never ever think about nation or country or everybody made enough money and started their own businesses also, then why should they bother about cricket???? they will always bother about their businesses and money,, any how ther are getting their money... correct....

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