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Shameless and commercial mind cricketers!!!
by Bali Reddy on Mar 30, 2007 04:31 PM

All our demigods or stars are Shameless and commercial mind cricketers!!!

I'm mentioning the stars are...Dada,Little Master,Viru,Bhajji,Zaheer etc..are very smart in last minute they showed their performance for their selfish needs (to earn money thro commercials and board money by getting place into worldcup squad). Shameless guys!

I dont know why these state people (Bengal,Maharashtra or other states) respect their heroes (Dada, Tendlya or others) when they are nothing compare to the emotions of indian fans. And moreover why do these pple chant hamara Dada or hamara tendlya (why u need to give respect to these shameless guys)...there are many players in India who are waiting to perform well to bring respect to the country.
We, Indian fans are wasting our valueble time by worshipping these fools when they are least bothered about cricket and expects more money thro' all the ways.
Hope all Indian Fans will forget about these idiots and concentrate on our valueble work.

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