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RE:[object MouseEvent]
by Cric Fan on Mar 31, 2007 12:31 AM

Arre mere myopic dosth, when we beat Aus in Aus, and Pak in Pak, it was all dravids heroics. Dont you remember Ganguly faking injury and not participating in Multan test, because he could not face Shohaib Akthar, later when Dravid and co showed him, how it is to be done, this girl came back into the team for the 3rd Rawalpindi test, where again Dravid had to score 270 to win the series.

Then Remember when Aus visited India again, what happened ? Your Paper Tiger Ganguly again Faked injury to escape out of the Nagpur test as the pitch was bouncy.

You bengalis really have a short term memory, and all you can do is praise ganguly even when all he does is Nothing.

I have to agree in this matter, that you guys have a little bit less of brain than the rest of the country

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Warm welcome for Ganguly