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by Biswajit Ghoshal on Mar 30, 2007 04:30 PM

Hey Ba****d Eshwar...have you ever been more IDIOT and STUPID than this in your life!! If you have objection to Ganguly receiving welcome, you talk about that - but you don't have any right to talk lowly about Bengalees. Not all Bengalees went to receive him.

Where were your other batsmen and Dravid in the Bangladesh match - when at one end Gangly were trying to save the match? Unless Ganguly gave a solid begining in the Barmuda match, your other favourite players would have lost that match too. Dravid and Chappell should feel himself lucky to have Ganguly in the team. Why don't you talk about how poorly Uthappa, Dravid's pet, performed? When would your foolish head be able to think properly and unbiasedly towards Bengalees?

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Warm welcome for Ganguly