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RE:Re: Warm welcome to Ganguly
by Jyoti Sharma on Mar 30, 2007 05:35 PM

Is he talkin about Ganguly....well he disnt perform in the cruch game against Srilanka but otherwise there r guys who need to be kicked out before him. Mr Tendulkar make a new start again in the hospitality biz.Ur retaurants really need u.Wait sehwag..go back to domestic cricketand then maybe come back like ganguly.The question is why then the likes of Powar, Rains,Kaif,VRV,RP and so many were tried for the last 2-3 yrs wen the same old playres were selected. Dhoni's performance was already under question and the management kept on singing the song of Karthik being included as batsmen...wat a poor strategy and poor show . Its gud tat we r not in the super 8...orelse we would never have tot of getting rid of these brand ambassadors , businessmen & restauranteers and bringin real payers in the game. n Yes...please make some strategy tat they remain palyers only until they quit the job at a time please

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Warm welcome for Ganguly