Warm welcome to Saurav Ganguli by Bengali fans at Kolkata when all the Indian fans are devastated by the Team India failure as a cricket team is in itself a telling commentary on Indian Bengali psyche and regionalism. Talking of Bengalis being superior etc. is laughable and to comment on it would be waste of time. How can anyone forget our Bengali MPs upholding Ganguly's cause in Parliament when there were other important issues of national importance to be taken up. Navin's comment 'I think the next Indian team for the people of West Bengal and his fans would be only Ganguly' puts the Bengali mind in the correct persepective. Why are we forgeting the Chappel email after Zimbabwe series that threw enough light on Ganguly's captioncy. Lastly, without Dravid and Tendulkar scoring runs by tons and dalmiya support where would have been Ganguly's success. We are forgeting Cricket is a team game and aboveall game finally. We are a most ungrateful lot and forget the joy the same villians?? Tendulkar, Dravid brought to us in the past. Finally, Bengalis of yester years - Vivekanand, Raja Rammohan Roy, Paramhansji, Ravindranath Tagore and so many others commanded respect but the present short sighted ones like few of our bloggers demand it.