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Jubiliation at Dada's arrival ??
by Ad Dave on Mar 30, 2007 03:37 PM

When are these Bengalis going to be Indians ? They behave like an independent province that has been forcibly occupied by the Indian nation. All that matters is a Bengali should be given an undue status -- if not they start pelting stones at govt. properties. To be honest, Ganguly has not scored a single century after his arrival -- so what is this bro-ha-ha about -- as if he has broken Don Bradman's record ? Or did he play a catalyst in reviving the fortunes of the team -- yeah, yeah he came back from wilderness and all that stuff is right but I think Kolkattan's should have reprimanded him for not bringing the World Cup home -- but alas .... they have the mentality of tribals wherein all that matters is the man from their state to excel. The problem is, this mentality seems to be spreading all over India where everyone is expecting their state's person to be considered whether it is politics, cricket or even a business contract. These people seem to redefine India as a loose collection of unrelated identities totally hostile to each others progress or development --- Warm Regards,

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Warm welcome for Ganguly