It is difficult to understand why Indian Cricket team is going for 7 batsman 4 blowers in most of the matches.
I don't recollect India winning any of the tournament after 2003 World cup with this kind of combination.
My questions is 1) Have team consistently scored 300 plus with this combination? 2) When 3 out of 7 batmans gets going on batsman freindly wicket, what is the role for remaining batman? (This was clearly visible in the last match against WI) 3)Even on a good bowling wickets, don't we need good bowlers to get the oppostion out?. In case we score low, we still should have a good bowlers and not a part-time bowlers in the form of Tendular or Sewag. This is evident even fom today's encounter with SL team when they had lost 3 wickets for 6 runs. 4) Even on a good bating wicket, don't we need good bowlers to defend the target set by our batsman? 5) Doesn't it shows lack of trust on our batmans and therefore we look for extra cusion for all of them?
Guys, we need a balance team to win the 2007 cup. Otherwise winning the cup would be distant dream.