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give Tendular a VRS-
by JYOTI CINEPLEX on Feb 14, 2007 03:10 PM

Give Kumble-(a VRS),and tell tendulkar-if given a chance to me or any person playing criket in school/college grounds,if he is allowed to play for 50match he would definately score 1 or 2 fifties,what he makes,And Dravid copied Pointing in slecting Verru,as pointing shpwed confidence in Symonds-pls Dravid grow Up-Mr.Powar shd Be in and Kumble shd have been rested-we need good feilding as well-and Hw duffer Mr.Kumble was in the last match cant he give Dhoni some support-and again we lost the game.Give new commer a chance or Sewag-Tendular-Kumble-Pathan-Sing-give them the same treatment which Ganguly was given,see how well he came back-it was the self ego-and those guys r taking there place for Granted-tendular look at Shane Warne-he resigned when he was at peek-am i Not write friends??eeks again at night all the channel will be saying the same things

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