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Still testing with Sehwag?
by Shinu Raj on Feb 14, 2007 02:13 PM

hi all,

in the third ODI with Sri Lanka also Sehwag has failed. i am still not able to understand why he is selected repeatedly. during the time of selection of squad for world cup, Vengsarkar has mentioned regarding Nehra that he can not consider his form in last world cup for inclusion in the present squad. sehwag is given more than enough time to rebounce with his form, but not happened. the time given to him was more than enough to mould a fresher, provided that person was given even less time given to sehwag. quite pathetic thinking from the management side. this is the time to think whether we should go ahead with face value of players or for quality because the money given to these players are tax paid by general public of india and not from the sponsors pocket. indian public are reactive to all issues in india, but we need to think when should we come up with a strong public protest against such untolerable actions from indian selectors.


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