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RE:sehwag to doubters
by Paul Samuel on Feb 14, 2007 11:44 AM

I can take a bet that Sehwag will NOT score more than 20 runs in today's match. That too he will have atleast ONE LIFE in that. How do u people imagine so wildly. Sehwag has gone out of form. Everyone has to accept the fact. Just do not go by past performances. If that is the case, you can select Kapil Dev, Robin Singh, Srikkanth, Kirti Azad, Brijesh Patel, etc.. they were also pinch hitters during those days. IF u ready to take a bet, I can clearly side with Robin Singh, Srikkanth and Kapil Dev that even today if they are selected they can play a shade better than sehwag. Any takers for my bet ??????? ???

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