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RE:RE:RE:RE:Ganguly as captain.
by Jayobroto Burmanroy on Feb 14, 2007 07:37 PM

Mr.Govind Raj I think we are deviating from the core issue of the performance of the Indian national team.To reinforce my statement I had given an example of whimsical attitude of the selection committee, by not choosing Bose in probable 30 for the WC team.Tell me one thing what is the criteria for selection of a player? I hope you will agree that its the domestic performance.If thats the only condition (probably not) then that man deserves a seat in probable 30.I am not saying that he should be included in last 11, please understand.I dont know whether your statistics are updated or not but to remind you/or inform that bengal reached the final for the consecutive second time!Probably that can not be by default.

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