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On Dravid and Dhoni's innings
by TRINATH A on Feb 14, 2007 05:42 PM

This is a short reflection on what I felt, when I was watching the above mentioned. It was as if, there was some predetermined mental drive Dravid had. It could be something related to Chetan Mehta's contradictory report on Rahul, and the selection issues (for the WC) as well. Chetan Mehta is from the Goa Cricket Association, and this very fact might have stimulated Dravid, to prove a point. The point, of course, is nothing other than, his own dictatory abilities. This, I felt, reflected out in Dravid's innings just like a grudge. There weren't any soft defences against most deliveries. The ball was smashed around at and against will, something uncharacteristic of the Captain. And the Six, Dravid hit, was really awesome, had such an elevation, it really can hit sufficient doubt on his detractors.

Coming to Dhoni's, more importantly, there was a kind of message from the substitutes, who walked to him witha spare bat. No bat change was apparently made, but some sort of thing was conveyed, and that could be just to soften Dhoni so as to prevent the mis-hap of the last ODI. But, seemingly, this had no impact on the daring batsman. Just, anybody gets glued on to their television sets on seeing Dhoni pull of those doubles with sufficient ease, on those overthrows. There was a time, when, he ran almost the length of a pitch and a half, while in the second run. This simply exemplifies commitment.


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