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Ganguly is the best
by amitava kundu on Feb 14, 2007 06:58 PM

there never will be another cricketer like ganguly, maybe his test record in not great but he compensated that with his captaincy and winning tests in foreign shores. Come to ODI, I can see only Tendulkar, and Jasuriya above him. However in sheer mental strength and fighting spirit, I dont put any1 above him. No1 can come back after being dropped for a long period 2 times in his career. When I see him play, one thing I learn is that one has to belive in himself and fight it out. I guess he has a lot burning inside him these days but its disguised by a calmness. Sample the war cry he gave today after taking that wonderful catch. Hats off to him and thank you ganguly for confiming my belief that there is a lot to learn from sports.

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