It seems like dhoni is better than rahul,sachin and sourav having an average over 55. See we should consider their wins and losses, how many people have critisized dravid,sachin and sourav when they have poor performance, so let them do the job and try to give the message to the board to do some talent hunt if possible, it is not at all useful to critisize any one of our indian team now. And selecting the team for world cup is not so easy to any one, whatz wrong in choosing shehwag for WC, earlier many people told that sehwag is a pet to dada, now you are telling sehwag is a friend of mr.wall. this is not fare to critisize them, if selectors doesnt give what dravid is expecting then how can he show the result, he simply put the blame on the selectors, and dravid is in the bottle neck, if sehwag succeed in the wc, it is good for india not for any individuals, so plz be optimistic, why always thinking about ganguly now, coz he is doing something for the team, and dravid, chappel have rejected him when he is underperforming, now they cant ignore him coz dada is in the form, i am not a fan of saurav, but according to the media, i got to know that saurav's is not succeeded overnight, do you know how he attended the nets , except zaheer and saurav no one has gone for nets for 2 days, i am not blaming the team, coz they know that there is no effect for their place if they show the poor performance, but that is not for saurav or zaheer, if they failed in SA tour they are not even get the place for 30 probables for WC. So it is kind of trust and their performance, saurav got his place coz of his recent performance, sehwag got the place coz dravid trusted on him, dravid got the captaincy coz of his past performance. and not because of any personal things.