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Vengsarkar should go
by SuBrAjIt on Dec 05, 2007 12:08 PM

I have been reading the messages posted by people in the discussion board. Some say he should stay n some say he should leave, but noone mentioned the reason why they feel that way.
Infact i feel this guy should go. He is the reason behind the recent gag order set by the BCCI guys. How on earth can u justify your chairmain of selectors mentionin in TV channels as well as newspapers that India doesnt have good youngsters. Cmon its his job to find one and not cry sayin we dont have one. Besides how on earth can u justify his articles sayin it was Dravid who forced him to put Sehwag in the team to the World Cup. Man, these things even if true need to be kept a secret. Dont u think this is going to hit the morale of the team in a big way?
Besides, everyone knows the reason Dravid quit his captaincy which he was doing very well, was becoz of Vengsarkar's Hitlerism.
I think for the first time BCCI did a good thing of comin out with this gag order in favour of the players. But yes, I do feel these selectors should be paid a handsome money and should be held responsible if they fail to select a proper team and should be awarded if the team does well. They should be made proffessionals of BCCI and not as any honourary person. That thing doesnt make any sense though.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Vengsarkar to attend selection meeting