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RE:Kick Gavaskar out!!
by Maximus Decimus Meridius on Dec 03, 2007 11:04 AM

"When all world is out sorcing their jobs to India. It is stupid to go for a foreign coach." - that is a stupid argument. The world outsources work to India because we do an acceptable job for the price (Emphasis on price). If money or profits were not an object, companies would not outsource. Why are US defence projects not outsourced? Secrecy is a factor, but not all projects are top secret. The reason is defence projects are not strongly constrained by budgets.

Global free trade is not just about outsourcing to INdia and china. It's about sourcing talent that gives best value for money. Now, Kirsten was a great batsman for SA. He is no worse a player (I believe a better player) than Patil or Amarnath. We've had Indian coaches for years (the Azhar/Tendulkar captaincy era) - India's team has actually done better, at least in tests, under foreign coaches, and if you drop the world cup 2007, ODI performances also have been better. (India did well under chappell's tenure initially. Only in late 2006-2007 did things start falling off).

Anyway, what do you know about whether or not Kirsten is a good coach? Were you there in the selection meeting? Don't make sweeping allegations against Gavaskar and co if you can't back it up with data.

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'Kirsten has no experience of coaching'