This "charismatic captain" was playing utter rubbish when he was dropped. In fact he got thrice as many chances to prove himself than Dravid, who is an INFINITELY better batsman than ganguly (compare their strike rates in the recent 2-3 yrs and u'll find that dravid has scored as quickly or quicker than SCG and has scored more runs). Ganguly worked hard, came back and that's well done by him. The fact remains that he deserved to be dropped.
Don't for once think that India were in any position to stop Aus. Remember 2003 final? That team was at its stongest then - players were younger, bowlers were fitter and quicker, and what happened? 349-3! Aussies were the only team we could not beat, and that happened twice. On spinning tracks we may win the odd game, like Mumbai or chandigarh, but on a flat ODI batting pitch, they will cream us in their sleep, and then bowl and field us out of the game. If we have to stop the aussies, our fielding has to improve significantly, which means get rid of slow movers - Ganguly figures high on that list, with Dravid already out. SRT is a good outfielder, so I guess he can be persisted with. Well, who's going to bell the cat? Drop ganguly and the CPI will have another topic to divert attention from Nandigram - already Taslima Nasreen is working splendidly for them.