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Give it to Shastri
by SunilB on Dec 03, 2007 11:27 AM

BCCI would have done well to try and persuade Ravi Shstri to take up the job. The job of coach nowadays is not to actuially ensure that the boys have coaching practice etc. His job is to draw up tactics, iron out etc. There cannot be a more smaryter tactician in the country than Shastri. I think Kirsten is a bad choice.

Two years of Chappel enured that the Captain (Ganguly) was thrown out of the team while a year of Vengsarkar has seen Dravid out of the ODI and resigning his captaincy.

Indian cricket is going through a transistion period and Shstri is the best man for the job. Not some bloody foreigner.

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'Kirsten has no experience of coaching'