Eventhough sometimes Ganguly is out of form, he is the one of the greatest captains of the Cricket history. His ability to lead the team is great. His fielding settings plays acrucial role in the match. Ganguly is a man with great sportsman spirit-which is greater than Dravid. I think the present Bcci president Mr.jagmohan Dalmia is playing a great trick behind the issue between coach Greg Chappel and Ganguly and the medias too. During the play we could see the coach and former skipper talking very well. That means the medias are creating the stories and both the medias and the present BCCI president are having the profit. We can look into the case of Harbajan Singh. Hwas out of form for alot of time. But the BCCi gave him a lot of opputunity. It is also in the case of Ajith Agarkar, Virendar Sehwag, Parthiv Patel, Asish Nehra, etc. Then why they are not giving him enough oppurtunities and why he is disqualified. Look at the following score of Ganguly in the last 5 innings. they are 41, 25,37,39,39. If he is disqualified even with these Scores The whole team must be disqualified. Any way the Prince of Kolkota is a great man with great sportsman spirit, determination and a talented1