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India Tour of South Africa.
by K.R.Murty on Dec 12, 2006 03:48 PM

Eventhough South African Blacks and Indian South Africans behave very well, the white south africans are very arrogant and selfish. You can see the way Nel's behavior in the field. Thie still behave like the aparthaid times. The have not nearnt with the time.

Nel is getting away with his bad behavior as he is a white. If the same behavion is expressed by any player of Sub-continent, he would have been warned and may be removed from the game.

It is time that we complain about his behavior and punish him for his Rugby behavior. Nel should remember that he is playing cricket, which is considered as gentlemen's game.

Hope our Board and managers of our team in south Africa, shall take up this matter.

Yes, media should expose these thugs !!!

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Indians allege SA racial slur